Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Depression, pills and doctors, oh MY!

I was really depressed last night. (Laying on the floor and crying...the works...) I could tell Eric was really worried. I took a hot shower then went straight to bed (at 9pm!!) and proceeded to sleep about 12 hours straight. This morning, I am feeling much better...but I'm still not quite myself.

I don't know what to do. I take all the pills that they prescribe to me. I go see my therapist, dutifully. What else can I do? I really want to know.

----> Alright I know of two things that can help: Better diet and exercise. Well, the better diet is hard to do on as tight a budget as I'm working with. Exercise? Well...my first instinct is to whine about the heat, or about the fact that I don't have the proper type of shoes. But I recognize these as excuses...part of my innate tendency to sabotage myself...So, recognizing that, I will go for a walk today! I plan to, later on, when it cools off a bit, go to one of the lakes nearby and walk on one of their trails. I think that would be nice...and I have a sneaking suspicion that it just might help me feel a bit better, too.

I also want to quit smoking. (go ahead, roll your eyes!) but I don't think now is a good time. School starts next week. I'm planning a wedding. And I also don't want to take on "too much" at once. ie: school, wedding, diet changes?, and exercise changes. ALL that PLUS quitting smoking? I think its too much, and I'd be setting myself up to fail. I will wait a few weeks...wait until things settle down a bit and I get into more of a routine with my new "things"...and then see about quitting.

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